Regis24 is a data technology firm and the only independent credit-checking company in Germany. Currently over 500 successful and well-known enterprises in Germany are drawing upon our solutions in the fields of identity research, creditworthiness investigation and risk management.
With its excellent data quality, fully compliant with the provisions in German law (the Datenschutz-Grundverordnung) of the European Data Protection Regulations (EDPR), allied to innovative Regis24 products, our service ensures genuine advantages for your business: among other services, with IdentConnect we have developed an AI-supported database technology that ensures your company more effective enquiry results in real time. With Regis HIVE we have created a platform-based solution that, thanks to its state of the art pooling approach, gives you stronger and better tools to combat online fraud.
Minimise defaults on payments and enhance user experience at the same time. With Regis24 solutions we bring you the benefit of our expertise – in milliseconds.
Regis24 ensures your success by examining the most diverse selection of data sources. With a breadth and depth that the competition can’t touch.
Externally auditable, using our own in-house Data Protection Department and reputable database sources. Regis24 is your reliable and trustworthy partner for sensitive areas.
Save on costs and avoid potential damage to your reputation. With Regis24 you receive all components together – reliably and from a single expert source.
Increase your basket of revenues and services, reduce the risk of fraud, avoid payment defaults: your core promises to your customers are also ours.
Not to worry!
Please feel free to talk to us about your specific use case and our references.
Minimising risk and fraud by means of a self-contained data pool: Regis24 is a completely new way of evaluating your own data regarding purchasing behaviour, creditworthiness and identity data.
Our technology safeguards against the constantly growing threat of fraudulent activities like fake identities and false delivery addresses, account hacking or systematic claims fraud.
Could data – held and maintained centrally, transparently and economically – create a real added value for consumers and for their digital identity?